Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Hostel Fees Per year 2024-25

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Girls and Boys Hostel Facility details with average fees charge per year. 0 Hostel Review by students at studyjankari

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Girls and Boys Hostel Facility, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Girls and Boys Hostel charges for SC and OBC Students

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Hostel

Hostel facilities at University

Cotton University provides hostel facilities for students who come from various locations to further their education. The university recognises the significance of a comfortable and secure living environment for students. There are four boy hostels and three girl hostels. These hostels will assign you a seat depending on your merit. Each hostel can accommodate at least 60 students. The meal quality in hostels is average but not horrible because the mess is run by students. Also, mess costs are really low (2000-2500 Rs). If you were unable to obtain a spot in the hostel, there are other PGs located near the college or within a one-kilometer radius. however PG can cost more.

Here is a brief description of Cotton University's hostel facilities:

  • Accommodation: The university has separate hostels for male and female students. The hostels have a variety of room styles, allowing students to choose their own accommodations based on their interests and needs.
  • The hostel rooms are equipped with basic facilities such as mattresses, study tables, chairs, and storage space. There are also shared places for recreation and socialising.
  • Cotton University prioritises student safety and security. The hostels are outfitted with security systems to provide a safe living environment. Restricted access and surveillance systems improve the hostels' overall security.
  • Mess Facilities: Most university  feature mess facilities that serve nutritious meals to students. This helps to ensure that students have access to nutritious food.
  • There are more facilities like 24hr running water, hot and cold water supply according to one need, studying enviornment, electricity facility at hostels, dining halls etc.